TennCare and Mercer held a webinar on September 28, 2023 to review the results of the Cost of Dispensing survey. The webinar recording and slides are below: 

Webinar link: https://mmc.zoom.us/rec/component-page?action=viewdetailpage&sharelevel=meeting&useWhichPasswd=meeting&clusterId=aw1&componentName=need-password&meetingId=FigqA0KocX58aB_vfF8rjIuT_49-1U0zNfItzyDC6BvRfNKZUaBWdXx9MDJps42S.IpvfpRtiWklDnad5&originRequestUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fmmc.zoom.us%2Frec%2Fshare%2FrnkusoD__6QPWo4fbZY2rXsedMsgmTA7D1VzRhDZE0idwOg0vAQEcxweituMpel3.NeswD5tLbkSTapCk

Passcode: ujXQ*$95

Slides: TN_FinalResultsSummaryFINAL_20230927.pdf

The TennCare survey deadline has been extended to May 12, 2023.

An informational webinar was held April 21st. The webinar recording can be found here: https://mmc.zoom.us/rec/share/lqJ10yb7XmrTci2HVjDWv5UCiRib5WPDgapT8Y8Q4uNgWJp2F83ZTDDI4QTNFCA3.7B8c3ASGWrP2ATVb
Passcode: $FX20g8r

TennCare Pharmacy Surveys – Cost of Dispensing and Average Actual Acquisition Cost – April 2023

The Division of TennCare and Mercer are conducting a professional cost of dispensing survey. It is critical for all TennCare-enrolled pharmacies dispensing prescription outpatient drugs to participate in this survey. The data collected will be a main factor in how the professional dispensing fee is determined and applied.

Additionally, TennCare and Mercer are conducting an acquisition cost survey of selected TennCare-enrolled pharmacy providers.

The surveys are open as of April 3, 2023. See below for details on the survey instruments.

Online COD Survey: https://mercer.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0JkArcffSxBbXee
Passcode: TN2023CODSurvey!

COD Survey – Excel Versions:

•  Small Chains (one to eight pharmacies): TN_Professional_Dispensing_Fee_Survey_Final.xlsx

•  Large Chains (More than 8 pharmacies):TN_Professional_Dispensing_Fee_Survey_OneTab_Final.xlsx

AAAC Survey submissions can be uploaded to the MercerRx online portal at https://tn.mercerrxpassage.us/ or by email with attached invoice to mercerrxpassage@mercer.com.

COD Survey Instructions: TN_Professional Dispensing Fee Survey Completion Instructions.pdf

Frequently Asked Questions: TennCare COD AAAC 2023 Survey FAQ.pdf

Please review email or fax communications received in early April for further instructions on the surveys.

Please review email communications in early April for further instructions on the surveys.

An informational webinar was held March 20th. The webinar recording can be found here: https://mmc.zoom.us/rec/share/dnauKA427WgZrUx-nvokutXSijynUnhN7VUi8hUbJjuzbdSqaoOXqXuotnvp2Keb.m5hBDEr0He0BXiZs
Passcode: aS6qU4z!

The slide deck from the webinar can be downloaded here: TN_COD_StakeholderSession1_20230320.pdf

An additional webinar will be held on April 21 at 11am CT. To access this webinar at that time, please use this link and passcode: https://mmc.zoom.us/s/94132065102?pwd=UFlWeEdTSkJMRkxIbmppYVV4R2xzQT09
Passcode: 457735



On January 23, 2022, the transmission of an AAAC rate file containing several AAAC rate updates was unsuccessful to OptumRx by Myers and Stauffer. The file contained 112 AAAC rate updates which impacted the AAAC rates for a total of 270 unique products based on National Drug Code (NDC). The missing AAAC rate file was retrieved and loaded as of February 22, 2023.

This notification is to inform you that all claims impacted by the missing AAAC rate file load on January 23, 2023, have been reprocessed by OptumRx as of March 6, 2023. All financial adjustments will be reflected on your March 9, 2023 remittance advice if your pharmacy had not already resubmitted the claims after the AAAC rates were updated on February 22, 2023.

If you have questions regarding remittance advice adjustments, don't hesitate to contact OptumRx using the provider services email below.
OptumRx: tenncare_inquiry@optum.com


A one-time rate posting of the AAAC rates by NDC can be accessed here: AAAC Rates Impacted by Missing File on 01-23-2023.pdf

 The Tennessee Division of TennCare has contracted with Mercer Government Human Services Consulting (Mercer), part of Mercer Health and Benefits LLC, to establish and maintain an Average Actual Acquisition Cost (AAAC) program and an estimated 340B Ceiling Price program. Mercer will also conduct a Cost of Dispensing survey in 2023.  

The objective of the AAAC program is to establish upper limit generic and brand ingredient reimbursement rates that encourage efficient purchasing while being responsive to drug pricing fluctuations.

The updated weekly rate files will be posted under the AAAC Program Information List tab. You will also find AAAC rate history posted on the AAAC List tab.

Pharmacy providers can contact Mercer by at the contact information listed below. For any reimbursement questions not related to AAAC, pharmacy prior authorization questions, or policy related questions, please contact TennCare directly.

Contacting Mercer:
Email: mercerrxpassage@mercer.com
Help Desk: 844-294-9982
Fax: 612-642-8931

Helpful Links:


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